May 2018 Newsletter




Questions and More Questions

 On April 22, our worship time included our annual opportunity to pose questions about the Bible, faith, and Baptist life.  The questions reveal a community deeply engaged with living a faith filled life.  Here are the questions, and I look forward to living out the answers with you!

  • Can we have more sermon talk-backs at forum time?
  • What does it feel like; and what is the orthodoxy and orthopraxis; of you facing the congregation throughout worship?
  • What are the Scriptural examples and ethos that we as congregants of FBC, might heed in our care of you?
  • How do we know how true the Bible stories are when we didn’t have paper and pencils or typewriters or computers in the old days?
  • What do politics have to do in Christian life?
  • What is our moral compass?
  • Do atheists believe that Jesus Christ walked the earth, and if so, why isn’t that enough for them to “believe”?
  • In what specific ways might we bolster Sunday attendance?
  • If Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and God is God, does that mean there are 3 gods? We say there is only one God, so how does that work?
  • Why don’t we have more readings/sermons from the Old Testament?
  • If we are monotheists, why do we pray to Jesus, and how are we to understand the Spirit in this modern day?
  • Was your trip to California inspirational and helpful in your ministry?

It is a gift and a blessing to minister among this congregation.  May we continue to question and work together as we serve Christ in our world.

 Yours in Christ,

Rev. Karen A. Mendes




The Congregational Care Committee of the First Baptist Church Diaconate reports that there are currently 5 on the Homebound Members & Friends list. In March, 7 “known visits” were made to 4 homebound members and 4 “known calls” were made to 4 homebound members by FBC members and friends. Other Members & Friends received 2 visits to (2) and (1) call made to (1). In addition, Easter plants were delivered to homebound members and friends. Cards were made by the Sunday School and sent to homebound members and friends. The committee invites you to help with this ministry.

Please contact Ray when you visit or call a homebound member and friend at: 864-7179/or



Sermon Texts and Titles

May 06 – Rev. Karen Mendes

Scripture:  1 John 5:1-6

Sermon:     Love Conquers All

May 13 – Rev. Karen Mendes

Mother’s Day

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11

Sermon: Looking Up

May 20 – Rev. Karen Mendes


Combined Worship with

Karen Baptist Community and

New Alpha Baptist Church

Scripture: Acts 2: 1-21

Sermon: All Together in One Place

May 26 – Rev. Karen Mendes

Saturday worship at 6:30pm

Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8

Sermon:     Watch & Learn


 Our Monday Bible Study is held on Mondays at 11:30am and resumes on May 6th.  Please plan to join us and bring your lunch. For more information, please email Rev. Mendes at or call the church office at 864-6515.


Sarah Dopp

“Social Gospel”

One of the great Baptist Theologians of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Walter Rauschenbusch, was a proponent of the “Social Gospel.” This was a way for Christians to understand their role in living out the way of Jesus and bringing the Kingdom of God into the world, through practicing mercy and justice to humanity.

For Rauschenbusch, Christian faith was more than a matter of individual salvation, but equally importantly, a matter of serving economically marginalized people.  Though Rauschenbusch died one-hundred years ago, he was a key inspiration to Martin Luther King, Jr. and speaks to us today, in our world, where the 1% hold the majority of economic power, many are struggling for their very existence and politicians seem bent on dismantling the social safety nets.  Churches and non-profits must step in to help.  Believers in Jesus are especially empowered for this mission  through their faith.




For years and years we would go through contortions on Marathon Sunday to get to worship amidst the runners and spectators of the Vermont City Marathon.  Last year we tried something new and this year we will continue this new tradition.  Our worship service will happen on Saturday, May 26, at 6:30pm.  This will be a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors, especially those who may be running the next day! Stay tuned for more details.


The Legacy of Walter Raschenbusch

This was the name of an inspiring conference I attended April 9-11 at Mercer University outside of Atlanta, the home of the American Baptist Historical Society, which co-sponsored the conference along with the Center of Theology + Public Life at Mercer, and Acadia Divinity College in New Brunswick. ABHS displayed many items from their extensive collection of Rauschenbusch writings and memorabilia.  156 attendees were treated to 3 days packed with scholarly papers on Rauschenbusch’s life and thought.  It was very stimulating and challenging.

Walter Rauschenbusch was born in 1861 into a first generation German American family.  He followed 5 previous forbears into ministry, training at Rochester Seminary.  An early pastorate at 2nd German Baptist Church in Hell’s Kitchen in NYC, opened his eyes to human suffering.  The contrast with Gilded Age capitalist wealth was overwhelming and led him to a theology of the Social Gospel.

He focused on the Biblical understanding of the way of Jesus and His devotion to poor and lost humanity.  He explored ways to bring the Kingdom of God to the world, in several well-known books, “Christianity and the Social Crisis,”     “A Theology for the Social Gospel,” and “Dare We be Christians?”

A highlight of the conference was worship in the chapel, featuring a spectacular gospel singer and the message brought by Rev. Raphael Warnock, Sr. Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. once served.  Also, at the conference, a new edition of Rauschenbusch “Published and Selected Works in Three Volumes” was launched.

All this and wonderful people to meet and the sight of tulips, pansies, flowering azaleas and GREEN grass made this 3 days to remember!

~Sarah Dopp


All women in worship will receive a flower in honor of the care they bring to our church community and to the world.


 Special music is welcomed at every service at FBC.  All members of the congregation are encouraged to share their talents throughout the church year to enhance our service and add special moments of diversity in worship.

If you would like to add your voice or instrument to any of the groups, we are open to folks who cannot commit to every rehearsal or service as well.  With advanced planning, it is possible to add flexibility to our music selections allowing a broader participation from all members of our congregation. Please contact Steve Perkins for more information or to sign up for a time to contribute your talent.


We are offering two opportunities to serve on Sunday mornings by asking for both greeters and providers of snacks.  Feel free to sign up for both or only one.


 Life at First Baptist is much more than just Sunday mornings and we have the opportunity to be connected on Facebook at a Facebook group called First Baptist Burlington VT.  In this group each member can share announcements, make public prayer requests, and ask questions.  We can have online discussions about sermons, current events, Bible studies, etc.  Please join the group and invite others to join as well.

We invite you to donate flowers for Sunday worship.  Please sign up on the flower chart in back of the narthex for any Sunday of your choice or call the church office at 864-6515.       


This year, as we meet and work and worship together, let us take photos so that at our next Annual Meeting we can put together a slide show of our life together.  Photos can be emailed to the church office  Please get parental permission before photographing children.  Thanks!


In July 2020 the State of Vermont will be requiring all institutions and individuals to compost food scraps.  We have an opportunity to get some experience with this in the meantime.  Marjorie Adams regularly takes her own composting and trash to drop off at CSWD and is taking along ours as well.  This will cost us nothing.  Commercial carriers charge a substantial fee.  She has obtained official containers, large square green ones (such as we filled on First Night) and smaller round black ones (which we’ve been using to collect coffee grounds on Sunday mornings).  Many more items are commercially compostable than we usually think of (fat, meat, greasy paper etc.) The Y Daycare  has already enthusiastically joined in on this effort! A collection of CSWD brochures has been placed on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board for reference.


The Christian Education Board has some scholarship funds in its budget for students pursuing college level courses after high school or those seeking advanced training or education. Applicants need to be members or active participants at First Baptist Church Burlington or at our sister congregation, the Karen Baptist Community.

The deadline for applicants is June 1st.  Application forms are available in the Narthex on Sunday or call the church office and one can be sent to you.  Completed application forms may be sent to the office or put in Lois Lynch’s mailbox downstairs.

If you are interested in seeking education for ministry, the David J. Heim scholarship is also available.


The New Hampshire/Vermont Region of the American Baptist Convention operates Camp Sentinel.  Sentinel is located east of Plymouth, NH in rural Tuftonboro.  It offers overnight camps for youth 7-18, a teen camp and a Senior Ventures camp for those 55+.  Their camp news says they offer fun and safe outdoor and water activities and arts and crafts.  They emphasize team building, leadership development, and evening bible study, singing and worship.  Check out the news on our bulletin board and at


Remind your high school seniors, college students and seminarians that they can apply for a scholarship from the American Baptist Women’s Ministries of VT & NH.

Applications (new and renewal) can be downloaded from the Region website: (  Applications are due by May 15, 2018


Scholarships are also available from the American Baptist Home Mission Society.  To be eligible, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold active membership in an American Baptist church
  • Enrollment at an accredited four year college/university or graduate program in the United States or Puerto Rico.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75
  • Reside in United States or Puerto Rico

For more information and to apply please see    The deadline for application is April 30.


 The OGHS is a tangible way American Baptists provide for the human needs of our world. This offering provides emergency relief, development projects, and refugee and immigration ministries.  See more at

In Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he says “Now to God be the glory, who by the power at work within us, is able to accomplish abundantly for more than all we can ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)


Wanda Hines, Executive Director of the Joint Urban Ministry Project joined us after service on April 22 to share her story of J.U.M.P and its 30 years of history!  Are you familiar with J.U.M.P?  The First Baptist Church community is one of twenty-eight churches who fund this vital downtown Burlington organization.

J.U.M.P conducted its annual spring phonathon on April 9th and 10th (thank you to all of you who donated).

 If numbers can tell a story, here is what JUMP did in 2017:

  • 2136 households served; 1138 first time visitors
  • 5650 individuals received assistance
  • $97,634, the value of vouchers distributed to clients
  • $35,574 of vouchers provided were for transportation (gasoline, bus passes, & bicycles). The most requested voucher was for transportation gas assistance $29,567
  • $28,751, In-kind donations distributed included personal hygiene items, diapers, and cleaning supplies “imagine going without.As one of the supporting churches, First Baptist Church is the toothpaste church!  Ideally, we provide a continuous supply of toothpaste and we want to revitalize this campaign!  Can you think of a creative way to do that? If so, email Nancy Danforth at nldanforth@gmail.


 Sunday Night Soup Suppers at

First United Church

 Thank you to the following folks who made soup and purchased milk for the March & April Sunday Night Soup Suppers: Kathy Browne, Sandi Seaver, Nancy Danforth, Beth Vuley, Joan Taylor,  Susan Schomody, Sarah Dopp, Stu & Jeneva Burroughs, Cindy Little, Judy Austin and Chris Thompson.


Things are going well with the renovations of our kitchen and conference room spaces.  By the end of April 27th, these areas should be done.  Our contractor, Trinity Construction, will be taking a week off starting April 30.  Work will commence again May 7th.

On May 11th, the YMCA Childcare will be moved out into Fellowship Hall for 4 days, so that the flooring in those rooms can be replaced, as well as removing the folding doors thus creating more storage space.

On May 12th, the Habitat for Humanity volunteers will return to paint the crib room and the half bath.  Soon we all will be able to appreciate the updated flooring, kitchen and conference room space.

Thanks so much for your contributions of support in getting this long discussed project completed.  Speaking for my family, we are pleased the work is happening too.

~Jim Calder, Chair of the Trustees

 How can you help us?

Donations to the church for use on the kitchen project.  Special gifts for this purpose would be most welcome. If you make such a gift, be sure that Ginger is aware of your intentions and the money will be accounted for properly and reserved for the kitchen.

Thank you!


There remain 7 openings on boards and committees (Trustees -2, Christian Ed – 2, 139 Bank St. -1, PR -1 and Church Clerk).  If you have interest in serving, please speak to a member of the Nominating Committee (Stu Burroughs, Barb Farrington, and Sarah Dopp).  A full contingent of members is needed for the effectiveness of these groups.

 Our Church Directory is available on our phones and computers!

Our Pictorial Directory is available in printed form from the church office but it is also available online!  Members and friends of First Baptist whose email addresses are included in the directory can access the directory through their smartphone or computer.  For smartphones, the app is Instant Church Directory.

For computers, go to  In both cases you will be directed on how to set up a password, etc.  Only those who are included in the directory will be able to access it.  Contact the church office if you have any questions. To update your photo or address, email


On Thursdays, look for an email from First Baptist letting you know about upcoming events and opportunities.  This will give you a first look at the Sunday bulletin announcements and provide a way for us to communicate beyond the monthly newsletter.  If you have information you would like included in the email and bulletin, please get it to Marie at by Wednesday.  If you would like to be added to the email list (or removed from the list) please contact Marie.


As individuals, some may wish to contribute to the organ project in order to reduce the amount that will be taken from the Permanent Funds at this time. These contributions will allow future special initiatives to take place.  If you are interested in contributing funds to the organ project, please mark your gift clearly so that Ginger is aware of your intention. You may also speak to one of our Trustees of the Permanent Fund, Sarah Dopp, Stu Burroughs, and Bill McCormick.


Currently, David Moore has the wind chests built and the resonators for the reed manufactured.  David and his team will be up to measure and install the wind chests sometime this week. Our hopes are that the new pipe work will be installed and ready for use by Music Sunday, June 10th.






















































































































First Baptist Church

81 Saint Paul Street Ste. 1

Burlington, VT.   05401

VOLUME LX111 NO. 5                                                                               May 1, 2018




Questions and More Questions


On April 22, our worship time included our annual opportunity to pose questions about the Bible, faith, and Baptist life.  The questions reveal a community deeply engaged with living a faith filled life.  Here are the questions, and I look forward to living out the answers with you!

  • Can we have more sermon talk-backs at forum time?
  • What does it feel like; and what is the orthodoxy and orthopraxis; of you facing the congregation throughout worship?
  • What are the Scriptural examples and ethos that we as congregants of FBC, might heed in our care of you?
  • How do we know how true the Bible stories are when we didn’t have paper and pencils or typewriters or computers in the old days?
  • What do politics have to do in Christian life?
  • What is our moral compass?
  • Do atheists believe that Jesus Christ walked the earth, and if so, why isn’t that enough for them to “believe”?
  • In what specific ways might we bolster Sunday attendance?
  • If Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and God is God, does that mean there are 3 gods? We say there is only one God, so how does that work?
  • Why don’t we have more readings/sermons from the Old Testament?
  • If we are monotheists, why do we pray to Jesus, and how are we to understand the Spirit in this modern day?
  • Was your trip to California inspirational and helpful in your ministry?

It is a gift and a blessing to minister among this congregation.  May we continue to question and work together as we serve Christ in our world.


Yours in Christ,

Rev. Karen A. Mendes








The Congregational Care Committee of the First Baptist Church Diaconate reports that there are currently 5 on the Homebound Members & Friends list. In March, 7 “known visits” were made to 4 homebound members and 4 “known calls” were made to 4 homebound members by FBC members and friends. Other Members & Friends received 2 visits to (2) and (1) call made to (1). In addition, Easter plants were delivered to homebound members and friends. Cards were made by the Sunday School and sent to homebound members and friends. The committee invites you to help with this ministry.


Please contact Ray when you visit or call a homebound member and friend at:





Sermon Texts and Titles


May 06 – Rev. Karen Mendes

Scripture:  1 John 5:1-6

Sermon:     Love Conquers All

May 13 – Rev. Karen Mendes

Mother’s Day

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11

Sermon: Looking Up


May 20 – Rev. Karen Mendes


Combined Worship with

Karen Baptist Community and

New Alpha Baptist Church

Scripture: Acts 2: 1-21

Sermon: All Together in One Place


May 26 – Rev. Karen Mendes

Saturday worship at 6:30pm

Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8

Sermon:     Watch & Learn



Our Monday Bible Study is held on Mondays at 11:30am and resumes on May 6th.  Please plan to join us and bring your lunch. For more information, please email Rev. Mendes at or call the church office at 864-6515.




Sarah Dopp


“Social Gospel”


One of the great Baptist Theologians of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Walter Rauschenbusch, was a proponent of the “Social Gospel.” This was a way for Christians to understand their role in living out the way of Jesus and bringing the Kingdom of God into the world, through practicing mercy and justice to humanity.


For Rauschenbusch, Christian faith was more than a matter of individual salvation, but equally importantly, a matter of serving economically marginalized people.  Though Rauschenbusch died one-hundred years ago, he was a key inspiration to Martin Luther King, Jr. and speaks to us today, in our world, where the 1%

hold the majority of economic power, many are struggling for their very existence and politicians seem bent on dismantling the social safety nets.  Churches and non-profits must step in to help.  Believers in Jesus are especially empowered for this mission  through their faith.







For years and years we would go through contortions on Marathon Sunday to get to worship amidst the runners and spectators of the Vermont City Marathon.  Last year we tried something new and this year we will continue this new tradition.  Our worship service will happen on Saturday, May 26, at 6:30pm.  This will be a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors, especially those who may be running the next day! Stay tuned for more details.


The Legacy of Walter Raschenbusch


This was the name of an inspiring conference I attended April 9-11 at Mercer University outside of Atlanta, the home of the American Baptist Historical Society, which co-sponsored the conference along with the Center of Theology + Public Life at Mercer, and Acadia Divinity College in New Brunswick. ABHS displayed many items from their extensive collection of Rauschenbusch writings and memorabilia.  156 attendees were treated to 3 days packed with scholarly papers on Rauschenbusch’s life and thought.  It was very stimulating and challenging.


Walter Rauschenbusch was born in 1861 into a first generation German American family.  He followed 5 previous forbears into ministry, training at Rochester Seminary.  An early pastorate at 2nd German Baptist Church in Hell’s Kitchen in NYC, opened his eyes to human suffering.  The contrast with Gilded Age capitalist wealth was overwhelming and led him to a theology of the Social Gospel.


He focused on the Biblical understanding of the way of Jesus and His devotion to poor and lost humanity.  He explored ways to bring



the Kingdom of God to the world, in

several well-known books,

Christianity and the Social Crisis,” “A Theology for the Social Gospel,”

and “Dare We be Christians?”


A highlight of the conference was worship in the chapel, featuring a spectacular gospel singer and the message brought by Rev. Raphael Warnock, Sr. Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. once served.  Also, at the conference, a new edition of Rauschenbusch “Published and Selected Works in Three Volumes” was launched.


All this and wonderful people to meet and the sight of tulips, pansies, flowering azaleas and GREEN grass made this 3 days to remember!

~Sarah Dopp






May 13th


All women in worship will receive a flower in honor of the care they bring to our church community and to the world.





Special music is welcomed at every service at FBC.  All members of the congregation are encouraged to share their talents throughout the church year to enhance our service and add special moments of diversity in worship.


If you would like to add your voice or instrument to any of the groups, we are open to folks who cannot commit to every rehearsal or service as well.  With advanced planning, it is possible to add flexibility to our music selections allowing a broader participation from all members of our congregation. Please contact Steve Perkins for more information or to sign up for a time to contribute your talent.





We are offering two opportunities to serve on Sunday mornings by asking for both greeters and providers of snacks.  Feel free to sign up for both or only one.





Life at First Baptist is much more than just Sunday mornings and we have the opportunity to be connected on Facebook at a Facebook group called First Baptist Burlington VT.  In this group each member can share announcements, make public prayer requests, and ask questions.  We can have online discussions about sermons, current events, Bible studies, etc.  Please join the group and invite others to join as well.


We invite you to donate flowers for Sunday worship.  Please sign up on the flower chart in back of the narthex for any Sunday of your choice or call the church office at 864-6515.       



This year, as we meet and work and worship together, let us take photos so that at our next Annual Meeting we can put together a slide show of our life together.  Photos can be emailed to the church office  Please get parental permission before photographing children.  Thanks!



In July 2020 the State of Vermont will be requiring all institutions and individuals to compost food scraps.  We have an opportunity to get some experience with this in the meantime.  Marjorie Adams regularly takes her own composting and trash to drop off at CSWD and is taking along ours as well.  This will cost us nothing.  Commercial carriers charge a substantial fee.  She has obtained official containers, large square green ones (such as we filled on First Night) and smaller round black ones (which we’ve been using to collect coffee grounds on Sunday mornings).  Many more items are commercially compostable than we usually think of (fat, meat, greasy paper etc.) The Y Daycare  has already enthusiastically joined in on this effort! A collection of CSWD brochures has been placed on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board for reference.


The Christian Education Board has some scholarship funds in its budget for students pursuing college level courses after high school or those seeking advanced training or education. Applicants need to be members or active participants at First Baptist Church Burlington or at our sister congregation, the Karen Baptist Community.

The deadline for applicants is June 1st.  Application forms are available in the Narthex on Sunday or call the church office and one can be sent to you.  Completed application forms may be sent to the office or put in Lois Lynch’s mailbox downstairs.

If you are interested in seeking education for ministry, the David J. Heim scholarship is also available.



The New Hampshire/Vermont Region of the American Baptist Convention operates Camp Sentinel.  Sentinel is located east of Plymouth, NH in rural Tuftonboro.  It offers overnight camps for youth 7-18, a teen camp and a Senior Ventures camp for those 55+.  Their camp news says they offer fun and safe outdoor and water activities and arts and crafts.  They emphasize team building, leadership development, and evening bible study, singing and worship.  Check out the news on our bulletin board and at



Remind your high school seniors, college students and seminarians that they can apply for a scholarship from the American Baptist Women’s Ministries of VT & NH.

Applications (new and renewal) can be downloaded from the Region website: (  Applications are due by May 15, 2018




Scholarships are also available from the American Baptist Home Mission Society.  To be eligible, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold active membership in an           American Baptist church
  • Enrollment at an accredited four year college/university or     graduate program in the         United States or Puerto Rico.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75
  • Reside in United States or

Puerto Rico

For more information and to apply please see    The deadline for application is April 30.






The OGHS is a tangible way American Baptists provide for the human needs of our world. This offering provides emergency relief, development projects, and refugee and immigration ministries.  See more at                                             In Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he says “Now to God be the glory, who by the power at work within us, is able to accomplish abundantly for more than all we can ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)





Wanda Hines, Executive Director of the Joint Urban Ministry Project joined us after service on April 22 to share her story of J.U.M.P and its 30 years of history!  Are you familiar with J.U.M.P?  The First Baptist Church community is one of twenty-eight churches who fund this vital downtown Burlington organization.

J.U.M.P conducted its annual spring phonathon on April 9th and 10th (thank you to all of you who donated).


If numbers can tell a story, here is what JUMP did in 2017:


  • 2136 households served; 1138 first time visitors
  • 5650 individuals received assistance
  • $97,634, the value of vouchers distributed to clients
  • $35,574 of vouchers provided were for transportation (gasoline, bus passes, & bicycles). The most requested voucher was for transportation gas assistance $29,567
  • $28,751, In-kind donations distributed included personal hygiene items, diapers, and cleaning supplies “imagine going without.



As one of the supporting churches, First Baptist Church is the toothpaste church!  Ideally, we provide a continuous supply of toothpaste and we want to revitalize this campaign!  Can you think of a creative way to do that? If so, email Nancy Danforth at nldanforth@gmail.



Sunday Night Soup Suppers at

First United Church


Thank you to the following folks who made soup and purchased milk for the March & April Sunday Night Soup Suppers: Kathy Browne, Sandi Seaver, Nancy Danforth, Beth Vuley, Joan Taylor,  Susan Schomody, Sarah Dopp, Stu & Jeneva Burroughs, Cindy Little, Judy Austin and Chris Thompson.





Things are going well with the renovations of our kitchen and conference room spaces.  By the end of April 27th, these areas should be done.  Our contractor, Trinity Construction, will be taking a week off starting April 30.  Work will commence again May 7th.


On May 11th, the YMCA Childcare will be moved out into Fellowship Hall for 4 days, so that the flooring in those rooms can be replaced, as well as removing the folding doors thus creating more storage space.


On May 12th, the Habitat for Humanity volunteers will return to paint the crib room and the half bath.  Soon we all will be able to appreciate the updated flooring, kitchen and conference room space.


Thanks so much for your contributions of support in getting this long discussed project completed.  Speaking for my family, we are pleased the work is happening too.

~Jim Calder, Chair of the Trustees





How can you help us?


Donations to the church for use on the kitchen project.  Special gifts for this purpose would be most welcome. If you make such a gift, be sure that Ginger is aware of your intentions and the money will be accounted for properly and reserved for the kitchen.

Thank you!



There remain 7 openings on boards and committees (Trustees -2, Christian Ed – 2, 139 Bank St. -1, PR -1 and Church Clerk).  If you have interest in serving, please speak to a member of the Nominating Committee (Stu Burroughs, Barb Farrington, and Sarah Dopp).  A full contingent of members is needed for the effectiveness of these groups.


Our Church Directory is available on our phones and computers!


Our Pictorial Directory is available in printed form from the church office but it is also available online!  Members and friends of First Baptist whose email addresses are included in the directory can access the directory through their smartphone or computer.  For smartphones, the app is Instant Church Directory.

For computers, go to  In both cases you will be directed on how to set up a password, etc.  Only those who are included in the directory will be able to access it.  Contact the church office if you have any questions. To update your photo or address, email





On Thursdays, look for an email from First Baptist letting you know about upcoming events and opportunities.  This will give you a first look at the Sunday bulletin announcements and provide a way for us to communicate beyond the monthly newsletter.  If you have information you would like included in the email and bulletin, please get it to Marie at by Wednesday.  If you would like to be added to the email list (or removed from the list) please contact Marie.



As individuals, some may wish to contribute to the organ project in order to reduce the amount that will be taken from the Permanent Funds at this time. These contributions will allow future special initiatives to take place.  If you are interested in contributing funds to the organ project, please mark your gift clearly so that Ginger is aware of your intention. You may also speak to one of our Trustees of the Permanent Fund, Sarah Dopp, Stu Burroughs, and Bill McCormick.


Currently, David Moore has the wind chests built and the resonators for the reed manufactured.  David and his team will be up to measure and install the wind chests sometime this week. Our hopes are that the new pipe work will be installed and ready for use by Music Sunday, June 10th.